The Day the Bubble Burst
Once upon a time, in a town filled with wonderful people, there lived a boy who was the most wonderful – and his name was Ben. Ben was known for his kindness and love for outdoor activities. He enjoyed playing in the park, riding his bike, and exploring the world around him. Ben had lots...
The Day it Stopped Being Fun
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tom. Tom was a very curious and creative boy who loved to learn new things. He loved to think things up on his own or with friends and make them. Create them. His imagination was known for being the talk of the town he lived...
The Day He Ditched His Distractions
Once upon a time, in Spotlight Town, there lived a boy named Dana. He was a kind-hearted and observant young lad who always paid attention to his surroundings. One morning, as Dana was waiting at the bus stop, he noticed a peculiar character waiting next to him. He was about to tell him his shoelaces...
For the Kids
I’m concerned. My 10-year-old son just got a homework assignment. He had to take a character from one of the books that he had been given to read as an assignment and write a page full of questions that he’d like to ask that character. After three or four pretty basic questions like what’s the...
The Joy List
It’s a new year soon. And as I look forward, I’m also looking back. Not to this past year but to quite a few years ago. Five, in fact. And there’s something from that time that I want to share. I’d just come off one of our most successful years Natie, my branding agency. We’d completed...
That’s my name. And don’t you forget it.
We’ve all had to name something at one point or another. A pet. Maybe a child. A new venture. Names are funny – when they’re right, it’s hard to imagine something or someone being called anything else. We tend to grow into or grow accustomed to a name until we can’t imagine them being something...
It’s not just you
The one question that’s almost always answered with a lie. It’s “How are you doing?” I’ll be honest: I’ve been feeling a little uninspired of late. Not depressed. Not feeling sorry for myself. Not ungrateful for all that I have. Just a little bored. We’ve had two of our best years ever at my company, Natie...
Aim High
I’d like to think that at Natie Branding Agency we offer the kind of brand strategy and creative work that our clients can’t really get anywhere else. And in most cases, that’s true. What we deliver is unique to us. How we do it, too. The personal touch. The attention to detail. But from talking to my colleagues in this business over the...
How to harness the power of togetherness and why it can help you
Yes, let’s. I love the Powerpuff Girls. Always have. Always will. But this article isn’t about them. Well, maybe indirectly. It’s about that little apostrophe in the word let’s and what it represents. It stands for the letter “u”. Sure, you already know that. But I’d like to emphasize the point. “Yes, let’s” = “Yes, let us.”...
She’s That Woman
This piece expresses our deep respect and admiration for women – all women. Mothers. Sisters. Daughters. Wives. Heads of households. Heads of state. Executives. Pioneers. Thought leaders. Essential workers. Activists. Entrepreneurs. Problem solvers. Engineers. Athletes. Performers. Educators. Authors. Artists. Moguls. Scientists. Sociologists. Physicians. Economists. First responders. The list doesn’t stop. We created it for no...